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Accueil - Événements - International Finance and the Return of Geopolitics

International Finance and the Return of Geopolitics

International Finance and the Return of Geopolitics
18h - 19h30
Salle des Conseils - centre Panthéon
Escalier M, 2e étage
Inscription obligatoire
Ajouter au Calendrier 12/10/2024 15:45 12/10/2024 15:45 Europe/Paris International Finance and the Return of Geopolitics Salle des Conseils - centre Panthéon
Escalier M, 2e étage
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Le master Droit public comparé et le master Droit comparé des affaires organisent une conférence intitulée « International Finance and the Return of Geopolitics » avec Pierre-Hughes VERDIER, professeur à University of Virginia, le mardi 10 décembre. 

Présentation de la conférence :

The return of great power competition is transforming international economic relations, as longstanding legal regimes come under attack and trade and investment patterns are reconfigured along geopolitical lines. This lecture will examine how geopolitical competition generates fundamental and pervasive challenges to the international financial governance regime. The relevant trends include weaponization of international financial infrastructure, security-based restrictions on capital flows, efforts to redirect financial resources to allies and strategic industries, and attempts to enlist financial regulators to advance geopolitical goals. The return of geopolitics may turn out to be the most significant turning point in the history of international financial governance—more so than the global financial crisis, which stressed the system but did not challenge its fundamental premises.

Inscription obligatoire par courriel : s'inscrire 

Plan d'accès

Salle des Conseils - centre Panthéon Escalier M, 2e étage